Travel Info

Transport in Helsinki 

There are many ways to get around in Helsinki, by bus, taxi, trams or trains.

Public Transport and moving on foot

You can use google maps to find timetables for bus, trams and trains. Google maps is also a good tool to guide you through the city by foot.

Tickets can be purchased through the HSL app or through the ticket stands placed at the main train station and other larger stops.

For this particular event we recommend to purchase either a 1 day ABC ticket (24 hours, 11,00 €) or a 2 day ABC ticket (48 hours, 16,50 €) these tickets are valid for all forms of public transport in Helsinki within the zones A,B and C (Zone chart below)



Transport by Taxi

There are several taxi companies operating in Helsinki we recommend using Taksi Helsinki, learn more about what they offer and how to order a taxi here:


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